It would be silly of me to give the entire chapter away, but I would like to give you a little insight into what's happening within this important chapter. When you open the book, you will actually be entering into the latter half of this entire story. The three main characters are taking a drive to a desolate location called Roka Valley inside the Arizona desert. You gotta love the vastness that is the open highway, traveling through the west. Seemingly nothingness - yet the desert is full of secrets and unseen life. One must be in tune to their surroundings otherwise they can get lost. Sarah knows she should have never entered into an agreement to travel so far from home with men she really did not know. Her tragic past gave her incentive to take greater risks, which means she just didn't care what would happen to her. She had lost so much already.
"The desert lent itself to reflection and deep thinking. Why am I here with this pair of misfit men? Sarah wondered. Albeit quite the misfit herself, Sarah felt as though she was brought into their tribe for a reason. Maybe it was to fix them. She often fell into relationships with men who needed some adjusting. They were either non-committal or uncomfortable with themselves. Both issues often led to mistreatment. She never understood why she stayed with guys like that. It must have been their sex appeal and seductive techniques."
Until next time.
C. Arden Michaels