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C. Arden Michaels

How do I get my book faster?

Currently sites such as and are displaying the hardcover version of Before the Rooster Crows Twice only. The reason is because the paperback was completed a week after the hardcover so book selling sites have not populated their pages. I guess it takes some time. Right now, if you order the book on Amazon or B&N it will generate interest for those outlets to start devising their inventory. Waiting until the April 7th release date to order will only result in an 'out of stock' notification to you. Those outlets do not have inventory and will not have inventory until they see IF anyone is interested in the book, either by order/purchasing now or if you put it on your wish list. So that's where we are at. I hope you order. I hope you get on the list so that when April 7th rolls around, you will get it then and not have to wait another 2 weeks after the April date to receive your book. Oh, such technicalities! It's just the way it is - but I thank you for your patience.

Big Red House Publishing

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